Susan was a friend of a friend and was very excited to take part in this project. She was my second surviving beautifully model. She is a survivor of colon cancer. She was hilarious and was an absolute pleasure to photograph. She has been a photographer, and let me tell you, a photographer doing a photo session for another photographer can be really stressful, but she was amazing!
When she had me tie up her dress, I noticed that she had a large, beautiful tattoo on her back, and of course I had to ask if I could get a photo of it. The result of that last set is just awesome.
Women are deeply attached to our hair. When chemo takes that away, it can be a real challenge. After I sent Susan her photos, she told me that she felt so good after her shoot that it inspired her to go buy new makeup, and to go outside without a wig. I cried happy tears when she told me that. THAT is exactly what I want to happen during/after these shoots.
I got the chance to meet her mom and get to know them a little bit better and it brought me so much joy to watch them decide who got to keep which print!
Here’s a bit from Susan about her session:
“I was diagnosed with colon cancer in Nov. of 2014. It was sudden and honestly completely out of left field. I didnt really have time to process it. One day I was headed to the ER with abdominal cramps and an inability to keep food down and two days later I’m in surgery. They removed a softball sized tumor from my descending colon and told me that had I’d waited much longer it would’ve burst possibly killing me. I’m lucky, I guess. I had a great group of doctors taking care of me. Chemotherapy was hard. I won’t lie about that and even now that it’s over I still suffer some of the side effects. I know I’ll get through it though. I have had and still have awesome support from family and friends.